Veggie Gingerbread House

Looking for a fun way to use veggies to make a holiday creation? Make your very own Veggie Gingerbread House! This veggie holiday house was a delicious and healthy end product & definitely got us to eat our veggies for the day!
Course Appetizer, Snack
Cuisine American
Keyword cheese, gingerbread house, goat cheese, holiday food, holiday fun, Hummus, kid recipes, vegetables, vegetarian, veggie gingerbread house


  • 1 Bag of Cauliflower Rice
  • 5 Large Carrots peeled & cut into “log” like pieces
  • 4 Celery Stalks cut into pieces for roof & sides
  • 3 Heads of Broccoli the stalks are what is mainly used for the roof support
  • 1 Bell Pepper to cut for the door and sled
  • 1 Cucumber leave 3/4 of the cucumber intact & leave with peel on as a Christmas tree in the background. Use remaining cucumber and cut into slices to arrange as shingles on the house.
  • Ranch dip plain Greek yogurt mixed with ranch powder served as Additional “glue” for keeping veggies in place.
  • 1 Log of Goat Cheese to use as the “glue” to keep veggies on the house.


  • Hummus was used as extra adhesive for the project, but it’s also delicious to snack on with veggies
  • Use a large serving tray with a rim to keep all contents contained during decorating.
  • Use a clean small square Tupperware type container to serve as the structure of the house and glue the cut veggies onto the house by spreading goat cheese on the backsides of the vegetables.