Water is essential for all living things. The human body is made up of around 60% water. Many of the functions that go on in the body are dependent on staying properly hydrated. It is essential for maintaining homeostasis (balance) in the body. Some of the key roles that water plays in homeostasis is maintaining body temperature, maintaining body fluids like sweat, blood, and also transporting nutrients throughout the body.  It also maintains proper digestion and prevents constipation. Drinking a glass of water before and after meals can also help increase feelings of fullness. 

Maintaining proper hydration is important before, during, and after exercise as well. Hydration prevents muscle fatigue as water is pulled to the muscles during bouts of exercise. Water helps maintain electrolyte levels such as sodium, potassium, and calcium that are lost during sweating.



Signs of dehydration start at thirst. To prevent dehydration, it is important to drink water throughout the day before starting to feel thirsty. Thirst, dry mouth, and headaches are common signs of mild dehydration. Small amounts of water over a longer period of time are more effective than drinking large amounts at one time.  It is also said to drink half the body weight in ounces (120 lbs = 60oz) per day. With busy schedules, it is very easy to forget to drink water or not recognize thirst.



Here are some tips as to how to drink more water: 

1.Add some flavor

Adding flavor to water can make it more pleasant to drink for those who may not like the way that tap or bottled water tastes. This can be done by infusing fruit or using low- or sugar-free drink flavoring. Stur is a great option for this, as it as zero sugar and has added antioxidants. 

2. Habit stack

Habit stacking is grouping together small habits into a routine. Habit stacking can be difficult to practice in the beginning because it can be difficult to get used to. Habit stacking with water can be drinking a glass of water while you’re waiting for your coffee  to brew or setting a glass of water on your nightstand so that you drink it as soon as you wake up.  The possibilities are endless, and you can adjust it according to your normal daily practices.

3. Drink from a straw

For some people, it’s easier to drink from a straw than to take big gulps of water. This can allow some people to drink more throughout the day. Straws are also a great tool for making drinking water more easy and accessible for those who may not be able to drink out of wide mouth bottles or cups. 

4. Set reminders and use Tracking Apps

This can be tricky with a busy schedule, but setting reminders on your phone and drinking water when they chime can be a great way to get your water in throughout the day. There are also a number of apps in the app stores that make games to keep track of your water intake and send reminders throughout the day.

Post created by YLN Intern and BGSU Dietetics Student Samantha Muellauer